
15 Birds That Make Africa A Paradise For Birders

15 Birds That Make Africa A Paradise For Birders

Africa a paradise for birders

Africa has almost 2,500 bird species. Topping the list is Democratic Republic of the Congo with 1,139 species, followed by Tanzania, Kenya, Angola, Nigeria, Cameroon and Ethiopia. An African eagle, the bateleur is the national emblem of Zimbabwe. Endemic to Africa, its name is French for “street performer” — a reference to side-to-side rocking during gliding. One of the most colorful birds of prey, it has jet black plumage, scarlet face and orange feathers down the back. In 2009, this bird was listed as “near threatened” due to a drop in population. The bateleur spends as much as 80% of the day in flight, covering up to 300 miles in search of food.

Read more at AFKTravel.com.