
Africa To Receive $50B In Private Equity Over A Decade – McKinsey

Africa To Receive $50B In Private Equity Over A Decade – McKinsey

A new report by research firm McKinsey & Co. has shown that Sub-Saharan Africa could receive as much as $50 billion in private equity investments over a decade, fuelled by increased demand for capital across the continent.

The report said that demand for capital is expected to grow by 8 percent each year to 2018 across Africa. In the top 10 leading African countries demand for capital is estimated to expand by up to 20 percent annually.

“Annual growth could reach 20 percent in resource-rich Angola and nine other countries, and $50 billion in total investment is possible over the next decade,” McKinsey said in the report.

Uncovering hidden investment opportunities in Africa   McKinsey   Company

The distribution of this capital will however be uneven across countries and across industries – with supply of funds not necessarily matching demand – which might leave a lot of lucrative investments avenue under the radar unreached.

“Large international investors often prefer proven investment managers, sizable investments, and diversification across Africa. Those preferences may lead them to over-look some attractive—and growing—country and sector gems,” the report said.