
How Crowd-Sourced Tech Solutions Are Working In Africa

How Crowd-Sourced Tech Solutions Are Working In Africa

Sudanese refugee Daniel Omar was 14 when his arms were blown off by a bomb. Mick Ebeling read an article about Daniel and had to help.

Ebeling is co-founder and CEO of Not Impossible Labs, a California, U.S.-based research firm that aims to tackle daunting healthcare challenges using low-cost technology, and open-source methods.

Ebeling came to Sundan with 3D printers, laptops, spools
of plastic and built Daniel an arm, according to a CCTV video and a Time report.

Now villagers in the South Sudan town continue to aid others in their community at what its creators say is the world’s first 3D prosthetics lab and training facility.

Local trainees have printed an arm a week since Daniel first used his new arm to feed himself.

Help one, help many — that’s the idea behind Not Impossible Labs. It’s about “technology for the sake of humanity,” its founders say. In this video, CCTV spoke to Elliot Kotek, co-founder of Not Impossible, about some of its initiatives including Project Daniel.

Not Impossible tries to come up with desperately needed medical solutions that are low cost, and do-it-yourself, according to the report. It tries to make the solutions available on an open-source platform.