
Photo Essay: Walking With The Maasai

Photo Essay: Walking With The Maasai

Stuart Butler, a writer and photographer who has covered Africa for more than two decades, recently decided to walk across Maasai lands in Kenya. He set off with his Maasai companion, Josphat Mako, on May 25, 2015 and finished at the end of June. In addition to a series of articles he wrote for AFKTravel, Stuart took hundreds of stunning photos along the way. While we published some with his articles, there were many more that have so far gone unpublished by us that are simply too beautiful not to share.

Here is a collection of just some of these sublime photos, which depict the Maasai people, their lands, their costumes, and daily life in the various communities Stuart traveled through.

Click here to read the article on AFKTravel.com.